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Make your own plastic bag holder

Make your own plastic bag holder
We receive plastic bags everywhere they go. Whether it is the convenience store, grocery store, or apparel shop, almost everything we buy is given to you in a plastic bag. Well, did you know, you can use those plastic bags to line small trash cans in your house? You can! But, first, you will need an attractive place to store them. Read more to learn how to make a cute and efficient plastic bag holder.

Things You'll Need:

  • Cotton fabric 18 inches long and at least 13 inches wide
  • 8 inches of 1/4 inch ribbon
  • 2 feet of 1/4 inch elastic
  • scissors
  • straight pins
  • sewing needle and thread
  • Sewing machine
  • ruler, pencil
  1. Go to your local fabric store to purchase a decorative piece of fabric.

  2. Lay the fabric out on a table in your home. Lie the up side of the fabric face down. The inside of the fabric will be facing you.

  3. Use a ruler to mark one inch from the top of the fabric and mark with a pencil. Use straight pins to pin down the material. Do this for both the top and the bottom to form a hem. Sew the material into place.

  4. Measure one foot Take elastic. Use the scissors to cut the elastic in half. Put one piece aside for later use. Take your first piece of elastic and pin the top of the hem to the fabric. Leave at least a half inch of elastic extending beyond the top of the fabric. Sew the elastic into place. Repeat this procedure for the bottom half of the fabric.

  5. Fold your fabric in half, with the right sides facing each other. You will see the wrong side of the fabric facing you. Take your straight pins and pin the two sides together.

  6. Sew a half inch seam from the top of the fabric to the bottom of the fabric.

  7. Put your tube aside for a few minutes and pick up the ribbon. Fold your ribbon in half, making a four inch loop. Take the loop with the loose ends facing downward. Pick up the tube of fabric and pin the loop to the top of the seam. This should be around an inch from the top of the fabric. Use your sewing machine to sew the loop to the fabric.

  8. Turn your tube inside out. With the right side of the fabric now be facing you, you are ready to hang up your plastic bag holder.

    Help save the earth and RECYCLE!!!

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