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Tin Can Frankenstein

Tin Can Frankenstein

You will need:

  • empty aluminum can  
  • 1 sheet green felt 
  • 1/2 sheet black felt 
  • scraps of white and light green felt 
  • 1 black skinny chenille stem 
  • white craft glue 
  • 2 small black pom poms 
  • scissors
  • 4 round magnets
Make this darling little Frankenstein out of felt, glue and a tin can. Fill him with lollipops for Halloween or use as a Halloween pencil holder for your homework desk!
Make sure can does not have any sharp edges around the opening. If it does, use a piece of sandpaper to sand them down.

Lay green felt on work surface. Lay the can down on to the felt. Roll the can up in the felt to see exactly how much you will need to go all the way around the can. Trim, leaving about 1/2" overlap. Leave about 1" overlap that will fold over the bottom of the can as well as a 1" overlap for the top (mouth) of the can. Glue the green felt around the can, glue the excess overlap to the bottom and inside the mouth of the can.

To create the hair, lay the black felt on the work surface and place the can on top like you did for the green. Roll can up in the black felt and measure about 2" down from the top of the can. Trim excess. Before attaching black felt, cut one side in a grass-like scissor cut for the hair.
Glue the hair in place, lining up the straight edge with the top of the can.
Cut out the patterns for the eyebrows from black felt and the eyes from white felt. Glue in place (see photo).

Cut out the pattern for the nose from the light green felt and glue in place.
Cut chenille stem into a 4" long piece. Bend into a squiggly mouth as shown in the photo. Glue in place.
Glue the black pom poms to the centers of the white eyes.

Place 2 round magnets on each side of the head for the bolts, no glue required! The magnets should stick through the felt directly to the can. You can glue them in place if you prefer.

Let him dry before filling with candy, pencils or anything else you can think of.

About the Author:
Amanda Formaro is the entrepreneurial mother of four children. She is also the owner of FamilyCorner.com Magazine.

Tank top Bag (5 min project)

Recycled Tank Top Bag

  • Old Tank Top
  • Sewing Machine
  • Optional items for embellishing 

This recyced project shows you how to upcycle an old tank top into a environmentally friends shopping tote in just 5 minutes.

For this project we used a plain tank top that has the most basic embellishment on it. Fabric painted dots.

Your embellishment ideas will only be limited by your creative abilities. You can add ribbons, iron on transfers or use marker pens to write environmental slogans onto the tank top tote such as. "Go Green",  "This is not plastic" etc.

To create your 5 minute tote you will need a sewing machine or serger overlocker to close up the bottom of the tank top.  Sew across the bottom a few times to make it extra strong for vegetables or fruit.

You can sew directly across the bottom as shown or turn the tank top sideways with the arm holes on top of each other and then sew (this placed the handles directly in the middle of the tote. )

This project is so quick to make it is perfect as a school or group  craft project, the children can take turns at sewing the bottom closed or have an adult standing by. The activity duration can be lengthene by allowing the group to decorate and embellish their finished totes.

Seashell Candle - Great for bathrooms and summertime!

Make your own Seashell Candle

How to melt the Wax:
Place your required wax amount into the heavy Pan and place it on the heat. Slowly heat the pan till all the wax in your pot melts. Don't allow the wax to get too hot.

Adding the Dye:
Once you have melted your wax you can add your dye. Add a small amount at a time as it is very strong.
Note: When dried the color is much lighter.

Getting the wick ready:
Dip your wick several times into the melted wax to give it a wax coating to insure it burns evenly.

Getting the mold ready:
Start by cutting down your milk carton so that your candle mold is of appropriate size for the candle(or use other mold).
Next attach your wick to a pencil or length of wood that will sit across the top of your candle mold (top is the open end).
Next make a small hole in the bottom of the carton to thread your wick through. Pull it tight so that the wick from the pencil to outside of the carton is firm. A loose wick will cause your candle to have problems burning later on.
Now stick down the wick at the bottom with some sticky tape and using a piece of blu-tack or plasticine close up the hole so no wax can seep out.

Adding the Shells
Meantime place your seashells into your milk carton mould. Do not place them neatly as the candle will need to form in the cracks of the shells. The less organized the better. Do try to keep the center of the candle (around the wick) free from shells, so that the wax can form around the wick insuring a consistent burning candle.
Slowly pour your melted wax over the seashells and around the wick area till the milk carton is full.
For best results place the shells along the outside edge of the mould.

Jug O'Lantern - Fun, Easy Halloween Craft


Copyright © 1999-2008 Susan Spatone All rights reserved.
Published with permission from CraftAtHome.com

You can sometimes pick up handy one gallon glass jugs from thrift stores or garage sales. Or perhaps you buy the occasional gallon jug of apple cider? You can put those empty glass jugs to very good use by making them into illuminated pumpkin jars in this free Halloween project.


Gallon Glass Jug (Wine Vinegar Jug)
Orange & Black Paint (acrylic enamel or glass paint)
Set of 35 Mini Lites
Sea Sponge

How to:

Begin by painting your jug with a sea sponge, gently patting on orange paint over the entire outside surface of the jar. A regular sponge will work but the effect will not be as nice when the jar is illuminated.

Allow the paint to dry and follow paint manufacturer instructions if heat setting the paint is required.

Once the paint is completely dry, paint a face with black paint; refer to the photo for details or look at other pumpkin face designs for inspiration. To add a little extra to your design, paint fine lines with black paint around the jar (see photos for detail).

Tie raffia around the neck of the jar and insert mini lights after all the paint is dry and light up. They really are pretty!